Basile JosephDEGRAVE, 1809

Basile Joseph/DEGRAVE/
Birth February 24, 1809
Frelinghien 59236
Latitude: N50.711655 Longitude: E2.934231Google Maps™Bing Maps™OpenStreetMap™

Birth of a sonAlexandre Auguste JosephTAHON
May 16, 1836 (aged 27 years)
Frelinghien 59252
Latitude: N50.724602 Longitude: E2.915980Google Maps™Bing Maps™OpenStreetMap™

Civil marriageMarie Françoise JosephTAHONView this family
October 25, 1842 (aged 33 years)
Frelinghien 59236
Latitude: N50.711655 Longitude: E2.934231Google Maps™Bing Maps™OpenStreetMap™

Marriage of a childAlexandre Auguste JosephTAHONJoséphineQUIVRONView this family
June 13, 1859 (aged 50 years)
Roncq 59508
Latitude: N50.766777 Longitude: E3.122623Google Maps™Bing Maps™OpenStreetMap™

Marriage of a childAlexandre Auguste JosephTAHONStéphanieDEHANDSCHOEWERCKERView this family
November 22, 1875 (aged 66 years)
Family with Marie Françoise JosephTAHON
Civil marriage Civil marriageOctober 25, 1842Frelinghien 59236
-6 years
Birth: May 16, 1836 27 25Frelinghien 59252